Category Archive


  • The Cubs Can’t Wait for Summer Camp!

    This year, the Cubs on the Move Fitness Trolley just couldn’t wait until July to start getting kids active! Teamed up for a second year with Urban Initiatives, the Fitness Trolley traveled to 4 Chicago public schools for “Preseason Training Camp,” so that kids and Cubs could get ready for summer. Urban Initiatives hosted  weekly…

    The Cubs Can’t Wait for Summer Camp!
  • Parents Share Recipes at 1st “Healthy Junta”

    Food is great way to bring families and communities together.  Urban Initiatives partnered with Healthy Schools Campaign to have our first Healthy Junta cook-off hosted at Little Village Academy.  Parents from Daley, Gunsaulus, McCormick, and LVA each brought dishes that are healthy, delicious, and representative of their culture. Each school had a guest judge, and Guillermo Gomez…

    Parents Share Recipes at 1st “Healthy Junta”
  • Get to know Patty!

    When patty joined the team as a program associate in august 2013, she was excited to be working with students with similar backgrounds to her own. Patty grew up in an inner city, which has allowed her to relAte to the kids in the program.

    Get to know Patty!
  • Get to know Kevin!

    Kevin was a head soccer coach at a high school prior to moving to Chicago. He also spent six years working at a mental health center where he saw kids go through tough situations. These experiences have helped Kevin in his role as a Program Associate.

    Get to know Kevin!
  • Get to know Jeff!

    After leaving the peace Corps, jeff found the perfect job- being a program associate at urban initiatives! he joined the team in August 2013 and is currently overseeing the work to Play program at Lloyd, MarqUette, mcnair, Nobel, Providence englewood charter School, And Tarkington.

    Get to know Jeff!
  • Get to know Adam!

    Adam started with urban Initiatives in august 2013 as a program associate. coach bear currently helps facilitate the work to Play program at attucks, claremont, kozminski, libby, reavis and Sherman.

    Get to know Adam!
  • Hey Morton, What Do Ya Say…

    Many kids and parents from the morton School of Excellence Work to play team experienced their first ever chicago cubs game last wednesday when the cubs took the field against the pittsburgh pirates.

    Hey Morton, What Do Ya Say…
  • Kozminski Hosts First Ever Friday Game Day in Hyde Park

    As Week 2 of the spring Work to play season began, a countdown to friday, april 11th started as well. It was a special occasion, as kozminski, a new work to Play school would host its first ever friday Game Day. this was also the first ever urban Initiatives Friday game Day in hyde park…

    Kozminski Hosts First Ever Friday Game Day in Hyde Park
  • Work to Play Blooms a New Season

    The Spring Work to play season is off to a great start. event though it may not feel like spring through the first few weeks, the smiles that are seen on urban Initiatives kids are as bright as sunshine and mAke the start of the new season, a special one.

    Work to Play Blooms a New Season