Category Archive


  • The Junior Board Rides Again! #UIOnTheBus

    Just over four weeks ago, Urban Initiatives’ Junior Board laid down the gauntlet and committed to raising $25,000 during the 3rd Annual May Bus Campaign. Everyone was excited. The Bus Campaign, a huge show of teamwork and friendly competition, brings groups of Junior Board members together to raise funds in support of game day busing expenses for our 35 Work to…

    The Junior Board Rides Again! #UIOnTheBus
  • Meet our 100th Junior Board Member, Isabel!

    The Urban Initiatives Junior Board is comprised of young professionals who volunteer their time and efforts to the thousands of kids UI serves across Chicago. Here is a short interview with our newest Junior Board member, Isabel. UI: Why did you decide to get involved with Urban Initiatives? Isabel: I decided to get more involved…

    Meet our 100th Junior Board Member, Isabel!
  • Junior Board Spotlight: Jamie Hitch

    The start of Urban Initiatives’ Spring Work to Play season has arrived. As soccer games and practices begin, Urban Initiatives’ kids and staff would like to recognize Junior Board member extraordinaire, Jamie Hitch. Mr. Hitch, a Quaker employee, joined the Urban Initiatives Junior Board in 2012 and has since dedicated his talents, time, and enthusiasm…

    Junior Board Spotlight: Jamie Hitch
  • October Three on November Fourteenth

    On a very chilly November afternoon, a team of volunteers from October Three put on their coaching shoes and took the field with Urban Initiatives players from Jenner Academy, Ward Elementary, and Walsh Elementary. After a quick warmup with Ward’s players, the teams and October Three volunteers split up onto separate fields and kicked off…

    October Three on November Fourteenth
  • MAXIMUS Foundation Grants Work to Play $2,000

    The MAXIMUS Foundation continues its tradition of giving with a first-ever donation to Urban Initiatives in the amount of $2,000. The grant was made to support our flagship Work to Play program and will help us both sustain our high-quality programming at current partner schools as well as expand programming into more schools across Chicago.…

    MAXIMUS Foundation Grants Work to Play $2,000
  • OSPD Spotlight: Coach Berger from Reavis

    In the Fall of 2009, Coach Berger stepped onto the field to coach his very first Reavis Work to Play practice. Five years later, the same commitment and passion drives him to open up his gym doors at 7am three days a week, 24 weeks a year in order to welcome the Reavis students to…

    OSPD Spotlight: Coach Berger from Reavis
  • UI Invades Cambridge, Wisconsin

    The Urban Initiatives team traveled up north to Cambridge, Wisconsin for a little mid-season team bonding. What has now become a tradition at Urban Initiatives, the staff retreat is a time for everyone to step back, recharge and build stronger relationships with each other. The day kicked off with a healthy breakfast of yogurt and…

    UI Invades Cambridge, Wisconsin
  • Union Pacific Foundation Rolls In

    Earlier this year, the Union Pacific Foundation rolled in as a new Champion Partner for the Work to Play program! With a financial contribution of $15,000, the Union Pacific Foundation committed to supporting the Work to Play program at Morton School of Excellence. Their generous contribution will fully cover all programmatic costs at Morton for…

    Union Pacific Foundation Rolls In
  • Take the Lead Team Comes Together

    Team Captains from our Take the Lead program kicked off the start of the new school year with the first retreat of 2014. Over 50 captains from all over the city came together at Nathanael Greene Elementary, in the McKinley Park neighborhood, to build upon their leadership skills. The day started with a few icebreakers…

    Take the Lead Team Comes Together