Category Archive

Urban Initiatives

  • Baby It’s Not so Cold Outside Thanks to Knoll!

    Even with the winter snow that blankets Chicago, urban Initiatives is still finidng ways to get great physical activity every day! that’s why Claremont recess with urban initiatives is still going outside when temperatures drop. still, a chicago winter is a tough outdoor recess partner, which is why Claremont teamed up with knoll, inc. for a coat…

    Baby It’s Not so Cold Outside Thanks to Knoll!
  • Localized Turns Up the Volume for Urban Initiatives

    During an average week, Urban Initiatives moves to the sounds of teammates chattering, coaches instructing, and apples crunching. Over the past three months, though, our staff and supporters have been dancing to a long list of new, carefully selected beats compliments of Localized @ the Bedford.  

    Localized Turns Up the Volume for Urban Initiatives
  • Supporter Spotlight: The Doerr Family

    Urban Initiatives would not be where it is today without supporters like the Doerr family. As we celebrate 10 years of impactful programming, it is important to take a moment to stop and reflect upon the fact that it has truly been a team effort that has accomplished our remarkable milestones of growth, success, and…

    Supporter Spotlight: The Doerr Family
  • Cutting Out Junk Food a Slam Dunk for Palmer

    Two weeks ago, in an effort to get healthier at lunch, the Palmer Panthers had their first lunchroom challenge! For one week, teachers tallied the junk food items students brought in their lunches. The winner would be the class that brought the fewest junk foods to lunch. This sparked new enthusiasm with the kids to…

    Cutting Out Junk Food a Slam Dunk for Palmer
  • Team Captains Take the Lead with Strength

    Urban Initiatives Team Captains have a reputation for dedication and enthusiasm when it comes to soccer and leadership. They proved that reputation true again on saturday, november 2nd, when team captains from urban initiatives schools around Chicago gathered at otis elementary school for a day full of leadership training through fun and challenging games and…

    Team Captains Take the Lead with Strength
  • Teamwork and a Comeback for Pasteur

    Gabriel Diaz is the REC Coordinator at Louis Pasteur Elementary in West Elsdon. Gabe also coached flag football this fall, and will coach basketball during the winter season. Gabe played high school basketball at Kennedy, where he averaged 14 points per game his senior year. At Urban Initiatives, we often focus on the big problems…

    Teamwork and a Comeback for Pasteur
  • Urban Initiatives’ Best Work to Play Fall Season Yet

    The 2013 Work to Play fall season saw a record number of boys and girls sharply dressed in their brand new Nike jerseys, shorts, socks and shin guards kick the soccer ball all around Chicago. 821 soccer players from our 26 partner schools wrapped up our strongest ever Work to Play season this past week.

    Urban Initiatives’ Best Work to Play Fall Season Yet
  • Nobel Takes Soccer to City Finals

    This Fall, Nobel school participated in the CPS soccer league for the first time ever, and had such success that they will be competing in the city-wide finals this weekend. Nobel has never had a soccer team for the middle school before, but the demand is very high, so when Coach Veronica became the REC…

    Nobel Takes Soccer to City Finals