Category Archive


  • Take the Lead Team Captains go to Camp!

    This past week four of our Take the lead participants (and one coach) had the chance to participate in a week-long boy Scout camp in the northwoods of wisconsin. camp makajawan is about 4 ½ hours north OF Chicago and offers all sorts of outdoor activities (hiking, FIShing, camp fires, boating). to say the least,…

    Take the Lead Team Captains go to Camp!
  • The Cubs on the Move Fitness Trolley Helping UI Keep Kids Active!

    With the end of July came the end to our summer camps across the city. Beidler, Gunsaulus, Lloyd, and Kozminski all enjoyed a summer full of soccer, water games, and most importantly baseball! We had the pleasure of partnering, for a second consecutive summer, with the Chicago Cubs and their Cubs on the Move Fitness…

    The Cubs on the Move Fitness Trolley Helping UI Keep Kids Active!
  • UI Welcomes Ana & Joy to the Team!

    On July 15, Urban initiatives was lucky to welcome our two newest members to the team: Ana acosta and joy nelson. ana is joining the operations team as the Administration coordinator and joy is joining the PrograM management team as a play with Potential program ManageR. wheN asked about why he is most excited about…

    UI Welcomes Ana & Joy to the Team!
  • New Friends from Far, Far Away

    Last month’s World Cup showed that countries can be united through the beautiful game, but sometimes it’s hard to grasp what that means on an individual scale. on july 23, the kids at uI’s GUNSaulus academy summer camp got to experience soccer’s gLOBal scoPE thanks to a visit from a group of iraqi high schoolers…

    New Friends from Far, Far Away
  • Meet Urban Initiatives’ Graduates

    Coach adam and Coach brendan attended the attucks 8th grade graduation on monday, june 9th to watch Urban initiatives’ very first Attucks Work to Play soccer players Justin Smart, Daquan Hall and Renardo Coburn graduate!

    Meet Urban Initiatives’ Graduates
  • Field Days Across the City Celebrate a Year of PWP

    What better way to celebrate the end of a school year than with field day? Urban Initiatives’ Play with Potential schools across thE city pulled out all the stops and celebrated summer fun. from albany park to Roseland, Urban Initiatives REC coordinators organized special events to celebrate a year of active recess. Daley and Fulton…

    Field Days Across the City Celebrate a Year of PWP
  • Second Annual Work to Play Cup

    Way back in the middle of winter, Urban Initiatives’ team set their minds on the end of May, where warmer weather would bring everyone’s favorite event of the year, the Second Annual Work to Play Cup. The event was a huge success, and it could not have been possible without the support of all the…

    Second Annual Work to Play Cup