Category Archive

Urban Initiatives

  • Coach Laughlin from Prieto Talks Northbrook Crosstown Success

    The kids from Prieto and Goethe had a blast at the Northbrook Crosstown Classic! We hopped off the bus and were warmly greeted by “Coach Stephanie.” Stephanie and the rest of the Northbrook parents/coaches were wonderful hosts. They quickly helped our players get involved in small-sided games on the fields with the Spartan FC players.…

  • @properties Friends and Neighbors Present CHICAGO REVEALED

    Urban Initiatives is proud to be one of four incredible nonprofit organizations selected to be beneficiaries of the @properties Friends and Neighbors Community fund. On June 5th, @properties will be hosting Chicago Revealed: A pursuit of chicago’s hidden treasures in support of their community fund. Click here to download the PDF invitation.  

  • UI Selected as a Beneficiary of the Christ Church Rummage Sale

    Summer Rummage Sale: June 5, 2010 from 8 a.m. to Noon Location: 470 Maple, Winnetka, IL Summer clothing, outdoor toys & sports equipment, patio furniture, book room will be open Christ Church has once again selected Urban Initiatives as a beneficiary of their Summer Rummage Sale. We are thrilled to have their support and hope…

  • Urban Soccer Symposium Success

    Urban Initiatives’ staffers Connie and Julie joined 71 passionate individuals representing 48 other committed organizations from across the country for The 4th Annual Urban Soccer Symposium held in Washington DC April 21st through 23rd. The symposium was graciously presented by the Urban Soccer Collaborative and the U.S. Soccer Foundation. We were delighted to be a…

  • Prieto Students Cheer on the Fire Thanks to the Fillies

    A group of Prieto Academy students, families and friends were treated to an outing at Toyota Park for the Chicago Fire’s season home opener on April 10th. The 25 tickets were graciously donated to UI by the Barrington High School Varsity Soccer Team – the Fillies. A huge thank you and shout out to the…

  • Join UI in Going for the Gold

    the go for the Gold campaign aims to support CPS schools in achieving the Gold standard as outlined in the USDA’s Healthier US School Challenge. thE standArd calls for schools to improve student access to healthy meals, nutrition education, and physical activity. UI is committed to promoting this campaign and to helping our school sites…

  • UI Receives Public Funding from the IDHS

    Urban Initiatives is thrilled to partner with the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) for the upcoming school year! The IDHS has graciously granted UI $20,000 in the area of Community Health and Prevention in support of our health and education soccer program at Otis School. The new partnership marks UI’s first public funding as…

  • UI is a finalist for the Axelson Center’s Excellent Emerging Organization Award

    Urban Initiatives is thrilled to be considered for the Excellent Emerging Organization Award. This award recognizes a young organization whose potential for growth and impact is high – while young and small, the organization practices financial stability, sound management, and visions and plans for its future success. It is an honor to be considered!  

  • UI is a Proud Recipient of the @properties Friends & Neighbors Fund

    Urban Initiatives has a long-term relationship with the wonderful agents at @properties. This year we are thrilled to have been selected as one of four worthy organizations to receive funds from the 2010 Friends & Neighbors Community Fund! Thank you to @properties for your commitment to being ‘Agents for Change’!