Category Archive

Urban Initiatives

  • All Smiles at Reavis Soccer Team’s Award Ceremony

    At the end of every Work to Play Program season, Urban Initiatives holds team parties to reward participants for their hard work and commitment. This is a video from Reavis Elementary’s party. Look at those million dollar smiles! The kids are so proud of all their hard work!

  • Storck, Making a Difference in the Lives of UI’s Kids

    On November 3rd, volunteers from Storck USA, a candy company that makes favorites such as Werther’s and Mambas, took time out of their busy schedules to be soccer coaches for the day at the Chicago Indoor Sports complex. With boxes of special edition Storck-UI shirts ready to be distributed, Storck volunteers awaited the arrival of…

  • Volunteers from Roosevelt University Are a Hit with UI Kids!

    Stephanie Khio is the Assistant Leader of the Eleanor Roosevelt Society at Roosevelt University. She brought her group to the Chicago Indoor Sports Center on October 21st to volunteer with our teams from Attucks and Lloyd. The following is a blog post by Stephanie: Being the Assistant Leader of the Eleanor Roosevelt Society (ERS) at…

  • Fulton School Celebrates Harvest Season with Truck Farm!

    As the harvest season draws to a close, students at Fulton Elementary got to do a little harvesting of their own when Farmer Tim and Farmer Sydney pulled up to the playground in with their Truck Farm! Students bundled up and gathered around the cheerful, painted truck. They stood on chairs so that they could…

  • Cubs Front Office Hits a Homer For UI Kids!

    Last Friday, a dreary winter-weather week finally broke, giving way to a sunny brisk afternoon. It almost felt like spring, and so it was no surprise that Wrigley Field was bustling with activity. More than 200 soccer players from seven different schools spread across the outfield grass at the Friendly Confines for an afternoon of…

  • Player Spotlight: Grecia, 3rd Grader at Pasteur Elementary

    Each week of the Work to Play soccer season has a special theme, ranging from Teamwork to Healthy Eating. The coach and the team discuss the theme at practice and the kids complete handouts that allow them the opportunity to share their learning with their coaches. Last week’s theme was Self-esteem. Self-esteem is how we…

  • UI’s Own Coach Jett Wins Coach of the Year Award, Meets Tony Hawk

    urban initiatives congratulates Coach Faye Stevens-jett for being honored with the Coach of the Year award from up2us, An orgAnizaTion thaT supports youth development proGrams that usE spoRts to improve the lives of kids across the country. coach jett, the atHletic Director and pe teacher at morton school of excellence, is a member of urban…

  • UI Kids Cheer Fire Onto Victory in Thrilling Season Finale!

     Urban Initiatives wants to thank Section 8 for inviting 150 members of our team to the Chicago Fire game versus the Columbus Crew on October 22nd. Because of Section 8’s support, participants from Daley, Nobel, and Walsh schools were able to travel to Toyota Park for the nail-biting season finale. The trip for our kids…