Category Archive


  • UI’s Own Coach Jett Wins Coach of the Year Award, Meets Tony Hawk

    urban initiatives congratulates Coach Faye Stevens-jett for being honored with the Coach of the Year award from up2us, An orgAnizaTion thaT supports youth development proGrams that usE spoRts to improve the lives of kids across the country. coach jett, the atHletic Director and pe teacher at morton school of excellence, is a member of urban…

  • Brainstorming Solutions to Chicago’s Open Space Shortage

    The Chicago Tribune just released a comprehensive article about the city’s struggling open spaces, including some of the work that Urban Initiatives has been doing through the Healthy Places project. The article, which can be read here looks at 10 different ways to support Chicago’s “park poor” neighborhoods, including a project to enhance walking and…

  • State-of-the-Art Turf Fields Unveiled in UI Neighborhoods

    On a beautiful autumn Saturday, community members gathered around to watch the dedication of three new regulation-size turf soccer fields around Chicago. These fields are part of the “Take the Field’ initiative, which utilized both private and public resources to enhance Chicago’s open spaces, creating an environment where people can come together and celebrate their…

  • UI Branches Out with the Healthy Places Project

    This year, Urban Initiatives is proud to be the host organization for the Healthy Places project focusing in the New City Community! We will work in 5 community schools (some who already have our Work to Play Program, and some new recruits) to rally around the CPS Wellness Policy and initiate some projects to enhance…

  • Rainy Day at Reavis Elementary

    getting out from under a rain-smeared morning into the Reavis gym, i found a warm fire at soccer practicE. the coaches were pumped, the players engaged. after some solid ball handling and passing work with coach Jenny, the players were ready for the Berger challenge: A 2 on 1 breakaway against Coach Berger. taking on…

  • To Support the Back of the Yards, UI Trades Soccer Cleats for Running Shoes

     Last weekend, two Urban Initiatives staff members took off their soccer cleats and put on their running shoes to take part in the 1st annual Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council Family Fun & Fitness 5k! Simba and April warmed up for the race with Southpaw, the White Sox mascot (what is he supposed to…

  • Work To Play Program: Jenner Academy’s Early-Season Highlights!

    At Jenner Academy’s first practice of the Fall, when Coach Simba shouted out, "Kiss the soccer ball!" without first saying "Coach says" a few kids dropped down to give their soccer ball a big smooch, while the players who were listening attentively watched on howling with laughter. Playing new games like Coach Says (similar to…

  • UI’s Fall Season Kicks Off!

     Eleven of the eighteen schools at which Urban Initiatives is running the Work to Play Program kicked off their Fall Season this week. Urban Initiatives is thrilled to welcome Lloyd and Pasteur Elementary Schools to the UI team!  UI would like to send a special thank you to the Chicago Fire Foundation for helping us…