Category Archive

Urban Initiatives

  • Brainstorming Solutions to Chicago’s Open Space Shortage

    The Chicago Tribune just released a comprehensive article about the city’s struggling open spaces, including some of the work that Urban Initiatives has been doing through the Healthy Places project. The article, which can be read here looks at 10 different ways to support Chicago’s “park poor” neighborhoods, including a project to enhance walking and…

  • State-of-the-Art Turf Fields Unveiled in UI Neighborhoods

    On a beautiful autumn Saturday, community members gathered around to watch the dedication of three new regulation-size turf soccer fields around Chicago. These fields are part of the “Take the Field’ initiative, which utilized both private and public resources to enhance Chicago’s open spaces, creating an environment where people can come together and celebrate their…

  • UI Branches Out with the Healthy Places Project

    This year, Urban Initiatives is proud to be the host organization for the Healthy Places project focusing in the New City Community! We will work in 5 community schools (some who already have our Work to Play Program, and some new recruits) to rally around the CPS Wellness Policy and initiate some projects to enhance…

  • Player Spotlight: Yeira, 4th Grader at Otis Elementary

     Yeira, a 4th grader at James Otis Elementary, loves being active. From the moment she climbs up the seemingly hundreds of stairs to the Otis gym on the fourth floor, Yeira’s energy and excitement is quite noticeable. Her commitment to the Urban Initiatives soccer team is evident each morning when she shows up to practice…

  • Rainy Day at Reavis Elementary

    getting out from under a rain-smeared morning into the Reavis gym, i found a warm fire at soccer practicE. the coaches were pumped, the players engaged. after some solid ball handling and passing work with coach Jenny, the players were ready for the Berger challenge: A 2 on 1 breakaway against Coach Berger. taking on…

  • UI Hat Trick: Three Great Schools, Three Great Successes

    We’ve reached our first midseason milestone with our Track E schools and with schools like Bethune Elementary, Lloyd Elementary, and Nobel Elementary, it’s hard not to be excited about the remainder of the 2011-2012 program year. Seeing our healthy athletes salivating at the chance to play “Star Wars” after a long summer off, and our…

  • Wings Welcome UI for Biggest Crosstown Ever!

    The 11th crosstown Classic was the biggest one yet! The crosstown was hosted by the Wings in Wilmette’s beautiful Avoca Park. we were pleased the rain Stayed awAy for our fun, soccer-filled afternoon togEtheR. ui is forever grateful to the WingS community for their ongoiNg supPort oF urban initiatives’ efforts. this year, we had over…

  • Interfaith Cup Scores a Goal with Chicago Youth

    Last Wednesday, ninety youth from all corners of Chicago – from Kenwood and Hyde Park to West Town and Rogers Park – descended upon UIC’s soccer field for an afternoon full of soccer, healthy food, and making new friends. These youth represented a rich array of faith traditions, coming from Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and…

  • Volunteer Wowed by UI’s Impact

    urban Initiatives wishes to thank stacy stutz for contributing this insightful blog post and the amazing photos of the work to Play ProgRam in action. urban initiatives cOnsideRs stacy one of the most valuable players on our team! Originally intrOduced tO urbAn initiatives in tHe falL of 2007 when my daugHter first participated in the…