Notice of Intent to Apply for 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant

In accordance with the application instructions from the Illinois State Board of Education, Urban Initiatives hereby submits this notice of our intent to apply for the FY25 Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21stCCLC) grant. This application will be a joint application with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to serve the following schools: Chalmers Elementary, Morton Elementary, and Piccolo Elementary.

Urban Initiatives (UI) has served all three schools for multiple years through our out-of-school time programming that promotes positive social-emotional development through sport and play. We are excited to deepen our impact within these school communities by pursuing 21st CCLC funding, which would provide academic enrichment activities for students during non-school hours along with meaningful family engagement opportunities. This grant would offer students and families a variety of programs, services, and activities designed to complement the standard academic day and respond to community-specific needs.

UI has served as a Lead Partner Agency for CPS’s Community Schools Initiative for eight years, and looks forward to expanding our impact in this space. If you are interested in learning more about the program, providing input, or serving as a potential partner, please contact Dana Landau at

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