Even though it was a cold and blustery evening, that couldn’t keep the faithful Urban Initiatives supporters away from the 12th Annual Halloween Party! This year, over 330 tickets were sold in advance of the festivities. With a new venue, 1st Ward at Chop Shop, and DJ della Chapelle throwing down the beats, people were more inspired than ever to come up with some creepy, funny, and creative costumes. First prize went to a group costume of past Robin Williams characters. They were rewarded with 4 Bulls tickets and a trick or treat bag of Storck Candy! Attendees danced the night away under the eerie glow of purple lights. The event raised $8,500 for UI’s programming. Thanks to everyone who helped plan the party and even more thanks for those brave enough to come out and support us! We can’t until next year, so start planning your costumes now!
Halloween Bash 2014!