Dear Club Barcelona,
Last June on the last day of school, a lucky day indeed, I was visited by Jim Dower. He asked if Goethe School would be interested in having a soccer program for our students. It was like a gift from God. We are a humble neighborhood school with 90% poverty. We had no sports programs and children who absolutely love soccer.
Of course, I gave an immediate and emphatic, “Yes”. Then, I learned that the Barcelona Team would be a part of this initiative. We took fifty children down to Nike Town, the children met your club players, got to stand next to them on the stage, and see them up close and personal. They were in heaven. It was a great day for our children and their parents who stood on the playground waving good-bye as the buses carrying their children left the school. We ended the day going to watch the team practice at Toyota Park. This was a day and night they still talk about.
Then, the soccer program began. Children learned drills, participated in scrimmages with other schools and learned that playing was about keeping healthy, maintaining schoolwork and being a part of a team. The impact of this program can be seen in the lives of our children. Students who struggled getting homework turned in and maintaining focus in school were consistently making positive changes. They were tending to their school responsibilities getting homework completed and turned in and maintaining a newfound focus in school. Teachers report that students are integrating their responsibilities for school with their responsibilities for being a part of the soccer program. Students are motivated.
In addition to this, we are seeing that students are watching what they eat. They are focused on eating nutritious snacks and are avoiding sugary foods. They are eating breakfast and feeling energized.
Isn’t this amazing!
We thank you for this opportunity to be a part of this initiative and what you have brought to our student’s lives. They love the program. We love the program. You have done great work. Your commitment to reaching out and giving is appreciated by us. You are role models for people all over the world. We are grateful that you have chosen our school. We want you to know how your gifts have impacted our students and this community.
Urban Initiatives is a major part of our children’s lives. We are deeply grateful for all that we have received.
You are making a positive difference. On behalf of the children, the teachers, and their families, I send our thanks and hope that this initiative will continue at Goethe School.
Barbara Kargas
Principal, Goethe School