
Urban Initiatives Wins Annual Springboard Award!


On October 1, The Springboard Foundation Annual Dinner was held at the Standard Club. The event was an incredible opportunity to recognize the Springboard Foundation’s incredible work to promote change in the lives of Chicago children. Springboard’s mission is to provide financial and intellectual capital to selected, “grass roots” charitable programs that are focused on the lives of needy children, their families and their communities in the greater Chicago area. Springboard has been an incredible supporter of the Urban Initiatives health and education soccer program since 2004.

Urban Initiatives was recognized at the event as the recepient of the 2009 Springboard Award. Urban Initiatives was selected for meeting Springboard’s goal to have our organization “eventually become stable and self-sustaining, and reach the point where Springboard’s involvement is no longer necessary.” Springboard Founder, Doug Mabie kindly introduced Urban Initiatives’ Co-Founders Jim and Dan to make a speech on behalf of Urban Initiatives. In addition to the opportunity to speak to Springboard members and supporters to Urban Initiatives’ successes, they received a lovely trophy, and a check to support the Work to Play Program. Urban Initiatives is extremely honored to have received the Springboard Award.

The Springboard Foundation was the first major foundation to award a grant to Urban Initiatives. Over the past five years, Springboard funding has been integral to our ability to sustain programming as well as continue expansion into additional Chicago Public Schools. Springboard has been so much more than a funder. We look forward to our annual site visits and teh opportunity to meet with the Springboard members of our team. We have developed personal relationships with The Monsters of the Midway and other Springboard individuals. They have given us advice on strategic growth as well as introduced us to potential funding partners. We appreciate having the dedicated support of Springboard behind us!

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